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    A Roadmap for Rethinking Public Education in New MexicoHow Predatory Lending Swallowed New Mexico and What We Can Do About ItSolving the Hidden Crisis: Achieving Retirement Security for All New MexicansImproving Our Public Schools By Reallocating Dollars from Administration to the ClassroomThe Story of the Christmas Tree Bill: Fixing Public Infrastructure Spending in New MexicoMaking Health Care More Affordable By Increasing Transparency and Ending Price DiscriminationAddressing New Mexico's Jobs CrisisRethinking the PRC (Public Regulation Commission)Restoring Trust: Banning Political Contributions from Contractors and LobbyistsSmall Schools: Tackling the Dropout Crisis While Saving Taxpayer DollarsThe Secret Story Behind New Mexico's Title Insurance Law, How it Harms Working Families, and How We Can Fix ItAverting the Crisis: Making Lottery Success Scholarships SustainableIndividual Development Accounts: Expanding New Mexico's Middle Class by Increasing Access to Asset-Building Opportunities for Working Low-Income FamiliesRe-Allocating Resources: How to Pay for Voluntary Prekindergarten for Four-Year-Olds Without Raising Taxes¡Rio Vivo! The Need for a Strategic River Reserve in New MexicoWhy New Mexico Needs to End the Food Tax and How to Do ItMaking New Mexico’s Public Schools World Class through Decentralization, Competition and ChoiceSetting Priorities: How to Pay for Full-Day KindergartenIncreasing Student Achievement in New Mexico: The Need for Universal Access to Full-Day Kindergarten2023-2024 Annual Report2022-2023 Annual Report2021-2022 Annual Report2020-2021 Annual Report2019-2020 Annual Report2018-2019 Annual Report2017-2018 Annual Report2016-2017 Annual Report2015-2016 Annual Report2014-2015 Annual Report2013-14 Annual Report2012-13 Annual Report2011-12 Annual Report2010-11 Annual Report2009-10 Annual Report2008 Annual Report2007 Annual Report2006 Annual Report2005 Annual Report2004 Annual Report2003 Annual Report2002 Annual Report2001 Annual Report2000 Annual Report1999 Annual Report

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    Think New Mexico
    505 Don Gaspar Ave.
    Santa Fe, NM 87505

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