Monthly Amigos
We are very grateful to our “Monthly Amigos” who make automatic monthly donations to Think New Mexico from their banks or credit cards. The Amigos listed below have signed up to make contributions ranging from $5 to $300 a month. Their recurring gifts provide Think New Mexico with a steady, predictable income throughout the year. Our Amigos never have to remember to mail us a check!
If you would like to become a Monthly Amigo, simply click here, enter the amount you would like to donate each month, and check the box saying “Make this a monthly donation.” Your donation will be processed through PayPal, and you can change the amount of your donation or cancel it at any time.
Monthly Amigos now receive the following benefits:
- After the legislative session wraps up, Monthly Amigos receive a special behind-the-scenes progress report on how Think New Mexico’s policy initiatives fared.
- Each year, Monthly Amigos are entitled to a signature Think New Mexico “thinking cap” in black, charcoal, denim blue, khaki, sage green or white.
- Monthly Amigos are acknowledged in our annual report as well as right here on our website!
Many thanks to our wonderful Monthly Amigos!
Omar Ahmed
Cris & Marilyn Barnes
David E. Beavers
Steve Becker
Sonya Berg
John Bollweg
David & Dr. Erin Bouquin
Anne W. & Jack Burton
Marynell Callahan-Hirsch
Charlene Cerny & Joseph Chipman
Chris Chavez
F. T. Cloak Jr.
Mark Corey
Tiffany Cox
The Honorable Richard J. Daly
Joa Dattilo & Jane Clayton Oakes
Fran Dever & Dale Belcher
Dr. Neal & Paula Devitt
George Dresden
Jane Engel
Karl Ferguson
Kristina Flanagan
Gary Francis
Carl Gilmore
Donna Gomien
Charles & Jillian Goodmacher
Jeanne & George Gozigian
Nathaniel Graham
Steven Hecht & Dori Smith
Janice Honeycutt Hering & Jim Hering, Jr.
Berry Ives
Dixie & Michael Jackson
Diane R. Karp, PhD
Sol Lederman
Edward Linderman
Nate Link
Dr. Alston C. Lundgren
Janet & Geoffrey Marshall
Andrew Mayo
Mike McDaniel
Paula Metzner
Elizabeth Moya
Charles C. Newman & Tom Appelquist
Christophe Olson
Elizabeth & Hugh Alan O’Neall
Daniel & Carol Pava
Lynn Perls & Brenda Broussard
Karen Phillips & Kyle Olmon
Mike & Charlotte Plantz
James & Coreen Plewa
Janice & Michael Quinn
Kate Rindy
Shelley Rossbach
The Honorable Christopher Ruszkowski
Gladys Santana
Dr. Mary Shaw
Honorable Amelia Ellen Shippy
Joan Sickler & Mike Rosow
Michael G. Smith
Susan Strebe
Laura Stupin
Phyllis Turner
The Honorable Dr. Alfredo Vigil
Alton Walpole
Lori Webster
Linda Weil
Sydney Weydemeyer
Rachel Winston
Susan & Katy Yanda & Chris Norris